Which Bucket, Again? The Cliff Noting of Wine
There is comfort in putting things in neat little categories.
That perfect bucket that this producer or wine fits into sure does save a lot of exploration.
It feels good to Good Will Hunting the answers. Placing that Barolo perfectly into that traditional producer bucket sounds good. Drawing a deep line in the sand by saying everybody else cheats in Sancerre except the producer you are passionate about is fun and creates tension.
Declaring that wines or producers belong in these categorical buckets fits perfectly into a 5-second pitch may seem like the viable tactic, and everyone does it. But ultimately these categorical buckets lack stuffing and only create a whisper of context at best.
Before you throw out that shorthand and place that producer or wine in the bucket of the moment, I might ask this question: Why?
Why is that producer traditional or natural or trendy or allocated or modern?
Become a student of these tidy categories thrown about on the regular but look past the veneer, go deeper and you will make many more waves.